Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Research for Persuasive Essay

For me, the hardest part of a persuasive essay is the topic. I always have trouble finding a topic that is current and interesting to readers. As I was sitting in my English class, the idea struck me like lightning, literally. Why you should vote for Donald Trump. Oh boy, I hear it, I already hear the laughing and slurs against my topic but to me, this is the absolute perfect topic. It is current. It sparks controversy. It has plenty of information. And lastly it is IMPORTANT! America is about to elect the next leader for its country and we need someone who will make change. By change, I mean big, real changes and not white lies that the American population have been told for years by presidents. 

I began by watching videos and the first video I watched for my Persuasive Essay was this. Trump response to every questions that is blasted at him amazingly and is correct about every issue that is brought up. He speaks the truth, what needs to be heard in today's Presidential Election. He is not bound by the infamous political correctness. I began to watch more and more videos and watching his speeches at primaries and he is the voice of the Silent Majority. The group which do not publicly express their views and political standpoints on current events. He appeals to us, and he is gaining momentum fast. 

Upon further investigation he winning and winning every state he is visiting and doing speeches at. Sometimes he is winning by a margin and sometimes he is winning by double digits in the caucuses. 

To take Trump seriously, people need to get off the hate bandwagon and do research and find facts. View his policies from a blank slate and open-minded attitude. Wake up America, we need some one willing and truthfully to make America great again.

Donald John Trump.

-mc. 2/24/16.

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