Wednesday, March 2, 2016

Using Peer Edit Paper to Help Revise My Persuasive Essay

In class we had a workshop day. The workshop day was to peer edit someone's essay. My peer editor was Terrance, if I recall correctly. He did an okay job at peer editing my essay. He did not add much to the grammar or anything but gave one very big helpful tip. He said my thesis was unclear or needed more elaboration. So I added a bit to my thesis which was along the lines of, "We should elect (or vote) Donald John Trump, for President." I had a shorter sentence that implied it but after he said that, I really solidified my thesis, I hope. At the end of my essay I also did a call to action, for readers to go out and vote from Trump. His tip from the thesis help me remember to mention a call to action. But to be honest, I was a little tired by the end of my essay and I felt that it got weaker as readers kept reading. I can revise it and make it even more better but it might have been way to long. I am proud of my essay. I liked what I wrote. Which is what all writers should feel about their finished product.

-mc. 3/2/16.

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