Monday, March 28, 2016

Writing the Analytical Essay

This essay was a bit interesting to me. Analyzing something is always difficult and on top of that, writers must academically reiterate what they are analyzing. This could range from the tone, literary devices, persuasive arguments, this could go on forever. Picking my topic was pretty cool, in my opinion. Last month it was Black History Month and I was reading about things and I came across the Assassinations of Dr King. I read up on both the assassination and the speech done by Robert F. Kennedy, Remarks on the Assassination of Martin Luther King, Jr. At that time I didn't thought about using it for this essay, I was thinking about a video I saw and I liked. I'll link it here. Anyway, it didn't struck me to use Kennedy's speech until I REALLY starting thinking about a good topic that had depth and many things to talk about. Also, I thought that using a video would be a little more difficult to analyze, unless it was some informative and persuasive video.

Writing was extremely difficult. I had to look deep into the speech and information from other articles, formulate three major things I wanted to talk about that in the speech. One was definitely Kennedy's use of poem by Aeschylus. What's interesting about Kennedy's use of this was that during the speech, he remembered it off the top of his head, so the poem is not accurate but nonetheless carries the same meaning that the original poem carried. Finding literary devices was hard as well, because I am NOT good at any of that stuff. I'm just not good at it. I'm sure there were plenty more in the speech but I just didn't have enough space to write about it.

Overall, this essay was a success to me. I got a 89% grade on it. I think it should have been a little bit higher. Like 90% but oh well. I worked hard but I can't go back and change it to make it better for a grade I already received. I'm proud of this essay though. I think I deserved every single ounce of the grade.

mc. 3/28/16.

Wednesday, March 9, 2016

Know The Needs of Your Reader (Cross post via SacCT)

Knowing the needs of the reader is an important factor when it comes to writing. In the article by Linda Flower, she discusses some main points of the needs of readers but the core idea is that writer’s goal should be to “create a momentary ground between the reader and writer.” The three main points she brings up is knowledge, attitude, and needs. With knowledge the writer should know what the reader's’ idea of what a topic is about. For example, if a writer talks about a wolf, the writer assumes the reader knows what a wolf looks and acts like; if not, instead, the writer must or should describe what a wolf is. With attitude, the writer should expect what the readers feel about or overall perception of a topic. So with the wolf example, is the reader scared, afraid, or grateful for wolfs. Last Flower discusses needs, which is information the reader should get and their interests of your discussion of writing. In conclusion, Flower’s main points of needs of readers is correct and knowing the audience of your writer is an important part of writing effectively.

mc. 3/9/16.

Wednesday, March 2, 2016

Wintergatan - Marble Machine (music instrument using 2000 marbles)

A very interesting video about a master work of art.

Using Peer Edit Paper to Help Revise My Persuasive Essay

In class we had a workshop day. The workshop day was to peer edit someone's essay. My peer editor was Terrance, if I recall correctly. He did an okay job at peer editing my essay. He did not add much to the grammar or anything but gave one very big helpful tip. He said my thesis was unclear or needed more elaboration. So I added a bit to my thesis which was along the lines of, "We should elect (or vote) Donald John Trump, for President." I had a shorter sentence that implied it but after he said that, I really solidified my thesis, I hope. At the end of my essay I also did a call to action, for readers to go out and vote from Trump. His tip from the thesis help me remember to mention a call to action. But to be honest, I was a little tired by the end of my essay and I felt that it got weaker as readers kept reading. I can revise it and make it even more better but it might have been way to long. I am proud of my essay. I liked what I wrote. Which is what all writers should feel about their finished product.

-mc. 3/2/16.